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For over 100 years, Veradale United Church of Christ has been a progressive Christian presence in the Spokane Valley.  All are welcome and invited to join us as we worship God and practice Jesus’ way of compassion and justice in our community and our world.  The diversity of folks in our congregation helps to create a vibrant and exciting atmosphere.



We welcome all.  Every age, gender, gender identity and expression, race, national origin, faith background, marital status and family structure, sexual orientation, mental and physical ability, economic and social status, and educational background, share in the life of this church. Read More


VUCC is committed to offering and maintaining programs, facilities, and a community in which employees, volunteers and congregants can feel safe from all forms of discrimination, 

harassment, exploitation, or intimidation. Click to read our Safe Church Policy.


We recognize the original inhabitants of the land we occupy and the history of injustice committed against them, including by Christian communities. Read our Land Acknowledgment statement.





Worship is at the heart of our life together. Our service blends tradition with innovation to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ in positive and relevant ways.  We offer communion on the first Sunday of each month.  All are welcome to join us for a lively and spirit-filled worship experience. (See Order of Worship below)


We have a great comfort with the sounds of children. We even have rocking chairs in the worship space for nursing mothers and bottle feeding parents.  Worship is diverse to help all attention spans to feel engaged. There is traditional and contemporary music. We often have a short video on a subject of interest to kids and adults. Sometimes we do readers theater, puppets, or art. Worship includes special message for the children.


Special worship experiences include: Christmas Eve Candlelight on December 24 at 7pm, Ash Wednesday (first Wednesday of Lent) at 7pm, and Maundy Thursday (Thursday before Easter) dinner and Tenebrae at 5:30pm.


Part of the way we express Christ's love is to do what we can to keep our community safe. During the pandemic, we have made several changes to our services and sanctuary to reduce the spread of COVID-19, including:

  • asking congregants to screen screen themselves for covid symptoms or known exposure

  • taking attendance for contact tracing if necessary

  • running air purifiers in the sanctuary and keeping exterior doors open when the weather permits

  • frequently sanitizing our space and surfaces

  • livestreaming our services on Zoom​


Click to view a recent bulletin

10:20am   Gathering and Prelude

Note cards are available to write down prayer requests and gratitudes. These will be read aloud during the time of community prayer.

10:30 Worship Begins

Land Acknowledgment is read by our Moderator or another council member

Service and Fellowship Opportunities (announcements)

*Hymn: We sing both traditional and contemporary hymns in our services. Here is an example of a contemporary hymn we use while we welcome the light of Christ in the chancel.

Community Prayer


The congregation sings a refrain to enter into a time of prayer. The pastor or a congregant speaks out the joys and cares that have been recorded on note cards, pausing at the end of the gratitudes and the concerns for the congregation to repeat the refrain. Then there is a short period of silent prayer, followed by the refrain.

The Lord’s Prayer: please use the translation and words which are meaningful to you. There are three choices of translations on page 9 of the New Century Hymnal.

A Time of Offering 

This is a time to share of our time, talent, or treasure as we are able.

*Dedication Hymn is usually a single verse of a traditional hymn.

Dedication Prayer
This prayer is projected on the screen for us to say together. It might be something like:

Loving God, fill us and our gifts with your Spirit. May our lives be an expression of gratitude. Amen

Listening to God

Message to Young Hearts

Sometimes this is a story from the young and sometimes it is a story to the young. It is as important to most adults as it is to the kids.

Scripture Reading

A member of the congregation reads the Scripture passages that have been selected either from the lectionary or as appropriate for the time of year or the message.


Meditation in Music

Our Light moves into the world God loves

*Closing Hymn, which might be something like:


*Benediction and Community Blessing:

After a benediction from the pastor, the congregation joins in encouraging one another with the phrase: "Be yourself. Grow in Christ. Live with compassion."

*Indicates the invitation to rise as you are able.

After the worship service, we usually gather in the Fellowship Hall for coffee/tea and snacks.


(509) 926-7173

611 N. Progress Rd.

Spokane Valley, WA 99037

From I-90, take exit 291B to Sullivan and head south. Take a right on Broadway and Left on Progress Road. We are across from Progress Elementary.  See you at church!

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Monday-Thursday 10 am - 1:30pm

© 2023 by Veradale UCC. Created with

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